Realising Potential Fund

Made by the General Purposes Committee on 1 May 2008

1. The University has received a benefaction from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous, provided in recognition of the work of Dr Jane Mellanby. This benefaction which comprises £627,000, together with any further donations for this purpose, shall be known as the Realising Potential Fund.

2. The University shall apply the Fund to support the application of psychological knowledge to realise educational potential or more generally to promote human welfare.

3. Preference will be given in the use of the Fund, for as long as suitable opportunities are available for carrying out this purpose, to work on psychological approaches to facilitate access to higher education for talented pupils who would otherwise, for reasons of background or schooling, be unlikely to apply to University.

4. The administration of the Fund shall be the responsibility of a Board of Management comprising:

(1) Head of the Department of Experimental Psychology (who shall act as chairman);

(2) A statutory professor in the Department of Experimental Psychology (appointed by the Head of Department);

(3) Dr Jane Mellanby (for as long as she is a member of the Faculty of Psychological Studies; thereafter the Medical Sciences Board shall appoint a member of the Faculty);

(4) Director of Admissions of the Department of Experimental Psychology;

(5) Head of the Medical Sciences Board or his or her nominee;

(6) Administrator of the Department of Experimental Psychology.

5. Regulations 3 and 4 above may be amended by Council provided that any amendment be agreed with the donor during his or her lifetime.

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