1. The University accepts with gratitude a bequest of £1,000 from the late Mrs L.D. Schacht to form a fund, the income from which shall be used for the provision of a Joseph Schacht Memorial Prize in Arabic and Islamic Studies.
2. The prize shall be open to candidates offering either Arabic in the Preliminary Examination in Oriental Studies or Arabic and Islamic Studies in the Honour School of Oriental Studies, who have distinguished themselves in the fields of Islamic religion, law, or history. A prize shall be awarded annually on the recommendation of the moderators and examiners provided that there are candidates of sufficient merit.
3. The Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies shall be the board of management for the prize, and shall have power to determine the value of the prize and the terms and conditions of its award.
4. Income not expended in any year shall be carried forward for expenditure in subsequent years.
5. Council shall have power to amend this decree, provided that the object of the bequest, as set out in cl. 1 above, is always kept in view.