Part 33: Services Subcommittee of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee

Made by Council on 20 September 2022 (Gazette, Vol.152, p.505-506, 21 July 2022)

1.1. The Services Subcommittee shall consist of:

(1) the Registrar, who shall be chair of the committee;

(2) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Development and External Affairs, or their nominee; 

(3) the Chief Financial Officer, or their nominee;

(4)–(7) the Divisional Registrars;

(8) the Gardens, Libraries and Museums Registrar;

(9)–(12) one person appointed by each of the divisional boards from amongst the departments and faculties;

(13) the Director of Planning and Council Secretariat;

(14) one head of service appointed by the Registrar;

(15) one member of the Estates Bursars’ Committee of Conference;

(16) one external member of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee to be appointed by that committee.

1.2. The committee will be a subcommittee of, and report to, the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee. It will:

(1) provide and facilitate liaison between UAS service heads and those in receipt of central services to ensure the consistent and effective delivery of those services;

(2) discuss how to enable the efficient and effective provision of services across all levels of the University, including commissioning and receiving periodic service reviews to improve service provision across the University and to ensure that services are based at the most appropriate level of the University, in line with the principles of subsidiarity and sustainability;

(3) co-ordinate budget planning for the services and consider resourcing requirements for particular services within the agreed planning settlement;

(4) propose annual budgets for the services to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee and monitor the performance in-year against those budgets;

(5) make recommendations on the charging out of costs to colleges via the Integrated Charging Mechanism;

(6) review business cases being submitted by UAS services for capital projects funded from the Strategic or Minor Capital Plans. 

1.3. In respect of multi-year planning settlements, the subcommittee shall:

(a) consider the resourcing requirements for UAS services at all levels of the University throughout the next planning settlement period;

(b) make proposals to the Budget Planning Subcommittee for service charging to ensure adequate resourcing to meet central service provision requirements

1.4. For items concerning the agreement of the multi-year planning settlements, the external member shall chair the meeting.

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