1. The University accepts with gratitude from the Trustees of the Southern Trust the sum of £10,000, which, together with such further sums as may be contributed for the same purpose, shall form a fund, to be known as the Southern Trust Fund for Students with Disabilities, to be applied towards the advancement of the education of persons with disabilities who are either
(a) matriculated members of the University working for a degree or other qualification of the University, or
(b) candidates for admission as either undergraduates or graduate students of the University.
2. Financial support shall be granted to eligible members of the University under clause 1 (a) above solely for the purpose of facilitating their studies at the University. Financial support shall be granted to eligible candidates for admission under clause 1 (b) above solely in order to assist in meeting the special costs of attending for interview arising out of their respective disabilities. Details of payments from the fund shall be supplied annually to the said trustees for so long as the trustees require.
3. The Committee for Disabled People shall act as the board of management of the fund. The committee shall maintain a subcommittee of up to four persons, not all of whom need be members of the committee, to determine, subject to the provisions of clauses 1 and 2 above, how the fund shall be applied, within such guidelines as the committee shall from time to time determine.
4. Council shall have power to alter this decree from time to time, provided that the main object of the fund, as stated in clause 1 above, is always kept in view.