Truelove Lecturership Fund

1. The University accepts with gratitude from Dr Sidney Truelove the sum of £7,500 to establish a fund to be known as the Dr Sidney Truelove Lecturership Fund, the income from which shall be used to fund a special lecture in the Oxford Postgraduate Gastroenterology Course. If the course shall cease, the capital sum and any unspent income shall be transferred to the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine Ulcerative Colitis Research Fund under the provisions of § 249 of this section.

2. The Board of the Faculty of Clinical Medicine shall be the Board of Management of the Dr Sidney Truelove Lecturership Fund.

3. Such proportion of the income as shall be determined from time to time by the Clinical Medicine Board shall be used to fund the Dr Sidney Truelove Lecture to be given in the Oxford Postgraduate Gastroenterology Course.

4. Income not expended in any year shall, at the discretion of the Clinical Medicine Board, either be accumulated to increase the sum available from time to time for the lecture, or be added to the capital of the fund for so long as that shall be permissible in Law.

5. Council shall have power to alter this decree from time to time, provided that the main object of the benefaction, as stated in clause 1 above, is always kept in view.

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