Appeal Court

The role of the Appeal Court of the University is to consider (a) appeals against dismissal by the Visitatorial Board (cases concerning academic freedom); (b) appeals against the decision of a tribunal to remove the Vice-Chancellor from office; (c) appeals against decisions relating to the interpretation and application of the statutes; and (d) other appeals designated by Council in regulation (currently appeals relating to suspension of medical and PGCE students).

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Membership as at 2024-25 will be as follows:

  Name Conditions of appointment Until
[1] Anthony Hughes, Lord Hughes of Ombersley

Five individuals appointed by the High Steward who are not members of the University and each of whom is: (a) a Lord or Lady of Appeal, a Lord or Lady Justice of Appeal, or a Justice of the High Court of Justice; or (b) an individual who has held such an appointment and is retired; or (c) a King's Counsel of not less than six years’ standing.

MT 2025
[2] Baroness Hale of Richmond

As above

MT 2025
[3] Dame Elizabeth Gloster As above



[4] Vacant As above  
[5] Vacant As above  
Secretary: Planning and Council Secretariat (Louise Hasler)

Note: A sitting of the Appeal Court shall be sufficiently constituted by one of its members sitting alone. The High Steward shall invite each member of the Appeal Court in rotation to hear and determine an application for permission to appeal and any subsequent appeal sitting alone.

The Appeal Court convenes infrequently and only when there is a relevant case to put to it. The last time the Appeal Court was convened was in 2020, and before that in 2017. The court’s remit used to be far wider but was significantly limited when Statute XII was amended in 2017.


For the regulations of the Appeal Court, please click here:




For the statutes relating to the Appeal Court, please follow:

Statute XII: Part H

Statute XI: Part B

Contact us

Louise Hasler

Planning and Council Secretariat