Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for advising Council on the University’s financial business, in particular capital investment policy. The Committee recommends the annual financial statements of the University and the Press to Council, and approves the University’s banking and treasury arrangements.

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Membership as at MT 2023 will be as follows

  Name Conditions of appointment Until
[1] Professor Irene Tracey The Vice-Chancellor ex officio
[2] Mr Charles Harman Four external persons appointed by Council, of whom at least two shall be members of Council HT 2025
[3] Vacancy As above  
[4] Mr Tony Poulter As above MT 2025
[5] Ms Sue Staunton As above MT 2024
[6] Professor Cécile Fabre, All Souls Two persons appointed by Council from among the members of Council elected by Congregation MT 2024
[7] Professor Richard Hobbs, Harris Manchester As above MT 2024
[8] Helen King, St Anne's A Head of House appointed by the Conference of Colleges MT 2025

Co-opted (Subject to the approval of Council on each occasion, the committee may co-opt up to two additional members)

Secretary: Planning and Council Secretariat (Hazel Jessop)


Officers in attendance:

  • Senior Proctor 
  • Junior Proctor


Michaelmas Term 2023



Tuesday 26 September -Short meeting if needed

14.30 - 15.30
Thursday 12 October 10.00 - 12.00

Tuesday 14 November

15.00 - 17.00


Hilary Term 2024


Tuesday 20 February 15.00 - 17.00

Trinity Term 2024



Tuesday 23 April

14.30 - 16.30
Monday 3 June 15.00 - 17.00

Tuesday 2 July

15.00 - 17.00


Standing Orders


For the regulations of the Finance Committee, please click here:


Contact us

Hazel Jessop

Senior Planning Officer

Planning and Council Secretariat