Sayce Fund
1. The University accepts with gratitude a gift of £1,500 from Mrs R.A. Sayce in memory of her husband, Richard Anthony Sayce, MA, D.Phil., Reader in French Literature 1966-77, Fellow of Worcester College 1950-77, and Librarian of the college 1958-77.
2. The money shall be invested to form a fund, the income of which shall be paid to the Curators of the Taylor Institution and administered by them at their sole discretion for the purchase for the Library of the Taylor Institution of books and other works in the fields of French language and literature, bibliography, stylistics, and comparative literature.
3. Surplus income shall be carried forward for expenditure in future years.
Slack Bequest
The bequest of the late Professor Samuel Benjamin Slack shall be used at the discretion of the Curators of the Taylor Institution for the general purposes and benefit of the Taylorian Modern Language Library.
Taylorian Accumulated Fund
The Taylorian Accumulated Fund, as set forth in the ‘Register of Estates and other properties of the University of Oxford administered by the Curators of the University Chest’, as made up to 31 July 1925, together with any accretions to that fund, shall be at the disposal of the Curators of the Taylor Institution for extraordinary repairs, unforeseen expenses, and for extension of the institution.