Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers

The Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers is responsible for nominating Select Preachers for University Sermons in each Michaelmas Term.

The Committee also nominates the preachers of the Court Sermon, the Sermon on the Sin of Pride, the Macbride Sermon, the Sermon on the Grace of Humility, and the Ramsden Sermon.


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Membership as at MT 2024 will be as follows

  Name Office or Appointing Body Until
[1] The Very Revd Professor Jane Shaw, Principal of Harris Manchester     A person appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be chair of the committee MT 2024

The Assessor (Professor Benjamin Bollig, St Catherine's)

One of the Proctors or the Assessor, as may be agreed between them ex officio
 [3] Professor Carol Harrison, Christ Church A Professor in the Faculty of Theology and Religion, elected by the professors in that faculty MT 2027
 [4] Professor Mark Harris, Harris Manchester As above MT 2028
 [5] Dr Matthew Cheung Salisbury, University College A member of Congregation, elected by Congregation MT 2024

The Revd Canon Professor Mark Chapman, Ripon College, Cuddesdon

As above MT 2024
 [7] The Revd Canon Dr William Lamb The Vicar of St Mary's Church ex officio

Co-opted (the Committee may co-opt up to three additional members, who may be internal or external, who shall hold office for one year and shall be re-eligible)

Secretary: Planning and Council Secretariat (Aristea Gkontra)

The Committee usually meets once per academic year in Michaelmas term.

Date Time Venue
6 December 2023 13.30 Charles Wellbeloved Room, Harris Manchester


University Sermons - Trinity Term 2024:

  • Thursday, 18 April, 8.00 a.m.: The Reverend Dr Matthew Salisbury, Assistant Chaplain, Worcester College. Holy Communion (Latin). At St Mary’s.

  • Sunday, 21 April, 6.00 p.m.: The Very Reverend Jo Kelly-Moore, Dean of St. Albans Cathedral. St Mark’s Day Sermon. At Magdalen.

  • * Sunday, 5 May, 10.30 a.m.: Professor Helen Moore, President, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford. Commemoration Day Sermon. At St Mary’s.

  • * Sunday, 19 May, 6.00 p.m.: The Reverend Canon Dr Flora Winfield, Third Church Estates Commissioner. University Sermon (Whit Sunday). At the Cathedral.

  • * Sunday, 26 May, 6.15 p.m.: The Reverend Dr Carys Walsh, Curate Training Officer, Diocese of Peterborough. University Sermon (Trinity Sunday). At the Queen’s College.

  • Sunday, 2 June, 10.30 a.m.:  Mr Stephen Beresford, Author. University Sermon. At St Mary’s.

  • Sunday, 16 June, 10.00 a.m.: The Reverend Dr Jonathan Jong, Experimental psychologist and Rector of Cocking with West Lavington, Bepton, and Heyshott, Diocese of Chichester. At Magdalen.

* On this day Doctors will wear their robes





For the regulations of the Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers please click here:


Contact us

Aristea Gkontra

Senior Administrative Officer(Governance)

Planning and Council Secretariat