1.1. The Estate Investment Subcommittee of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee shall consist of:
(1) the Chair of the Building and Estates Subcommittee, who shall be chair of the committee;
(2) the Chief Financial Officer, or their nominee;
(3) the Director of Planning and Council Secretariat;
(4) the Director of Estates;
(5)–(9) one person appointed by each of the heads of division and the Head of Gardens, Libraries and Museums;
(10), (11) the group may co-opt up to two additional members, who may be external.
1.2. The Estate Investment Subcommittee shall:
(1) agree the repairs and maintenance programme;
(2) submit an annual report to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee and report as required on other matters.
1.3. the subcommittee shall report to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on the management of the Minor Capital Plan, which is defined in accordance with the financial limits set out in the Financial Regulations (i.e. excluding those within remit of the Strategic Capital Steering Group (SCSG) or the IT Committee). It will:
(1) develop a rolling minor capital programme for submission to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee;
(2) consider and make recommendations to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on minor capital project proposals;
(3) ensure business cases, other than those that are the responsibility of the SCSG or the IT Committee as set out in the regulations governing those bodies, have been appropriately prepared, signed by the appropriate officers of the University in accordance with the Financial Regulations and are consistent with the University’s priorities and plans; and
(4) oversee the financial management of the design and construction of projects submitted in accordance with these regulations, including the gateway approval process, subject to obtaining approval from PRAC on the Gateway process for individual projects prior to that committee’s release of project funding.
1.4. Consider and make proposals to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on the leasing of land and property within the functional estate.
1.5. In respect of multi-year planning settlements, the subgroup shall:
(1) consider the levels of investment necessary to improve, repair, and maintain the functional estate throughout the next planning settlement period;
(2) make proposals to the Budget Planning Subcommittee for space charging to ensure adequate resourcing to meet investment requirements.