Part 23: Gardens, Libraries and Museums Board

Amended on 27 June 2003, 17 November 2005, 4 May 2006, 27 July 2006, 15 January 2009, 18 March 2010, 11 October 2012, 8 August 2014 (Gazette, Vol. 144, p. 608-611, 24 July 2014), 1 August 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 146, p. 692, 7 July 2016), 1 October 2019 (Gazette, Vol.149, p.532, 6 June 2019) and 4 March 2022 (Gazette, Vol.152, p.218, 17 February 2022)

Renumbered on 28 July 2011

1.1 The Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM) Board shall consist of:

(1) the Head of Gardens, Libraries and Museums, who shall be chair;

(2) Bodley’s Librarian;

(3) the Director of the Ashmolean Museum;

(4) the Director of the History of Science Museum;

(5) the Director of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History;

(6) the Director of the Pitt Rivers Museum;

(7) the Director of the Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum;

(8) one of the Proctors or the Assessor as may be agreed between them.

1.2 The Board shall be responsible for:

(1) developing and implementing a long-term GLAM strategy;

(2) receiving departmental strategic plans and annual reports from the Board of Visitors for each Museum, Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum, and the Curators of the University Libraries;

(3) developing and sustaining relations with the academic divisions and similar organisations in the sector (both nationally and internationally);

(4) considering, delivering or commenting on University strategy and policy developments as requested by Council and its subcommittees;

(5) periodic reviews of departments and/ or activities;

(6) encouraging cross-GLAM working and collaboration where appropriate;

(7) requesting University Service Funding from PRAC via the Budget Subcommittee on an annual basis;

(8) overseeing departmental budgets;

(9) planning and overseeing shared services;

(10) reviewing GLAM and departmental risk registers;

(11) supporting collective initiatives to improve communication and outreach; and

(12) coordinating responses to any University consultation exercises where a GLAM view is required (e.g. REF, KEF).

1.3 The GLAM Board shall make an annual report to Council on the activities of the division in the preceding academic year.

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