Congregation Regulations 3 of 2002

Made by Congregation on 5 March 2002 (Supplement (1) to Gazette No. 4612, 13 February 2002, p. 771)

Amended on 11 February 2003, 11 March 2003, 2 November 2004, 11 October 2005, 13 June 2006, 12 October 2010 (Gazette, Vol. 141, p. 110, 14 October 2010), 22 March 2011 (Gazette, Vol. 141, p. 532, 24 March 2011), 12 October 2011 (Gazette, Vol. 142, p. 98, 27 October 2011), 6 March 2012 (date of effect 1 October 2012, Gazette, Vol. 142, p. 362, 8 March 2012), 25 October 2012, 8 March 2013 (Gazette, Vol. 143, p. 372-373, 21 February 2013), 14 May 2013 (Gazette, Vol. 143, p. 564, 16 May 2013), 16 June 2015 (Gazette, Vol. 145, p. 650, 18 June 2015), 3 October 2016 (Gazette, Vol.147, p. 72, 13 October 2016), 10 October 2017 (Gazette, Vol. 148, p.80, 12 October 2017), 27 November 2018 (Gazette, Vol.149, p.163, 29 November 2018), 21 January 2020 (Gazette, Vol. 150, p.220, 23 January 2020), 15 June 2021 (Gazette, Vol.151, p.433, 27 May 2021), 14 June 2022 (Gazette, Vol. 152, p.424, 9 June 2022) and 28 February 2025 (Gazette, Vol. 155, p. 313, 13 February 2025).


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1.1. (1) The proceedings of Congregation and Convocation (except for the conferment of Degrees by Diploma and Honorary Degrees and the admission to office of university officers) shall be in English.

(2) Degree ceremonies of Congregation, the proceedings at Encaenia (except for the Creweian Oration, which shall be delivered in English), the conferment of Degrees by Diploma and Honorary Degrees at any other times, the installation of the Chancellor and the admission to office of other university officers, and the matriculation ceremony shall be in Latin.

2.1. (1) Matriculation confers membership of the University on students. Matriculation ceremonies shall be held at the beginning and end of each Michaelmas Full Term and at the end of each Hilary and Trinity Full Term. The Vice-Chancellor may determine that one or more additional matriculation ceremonies shall be held. The Regulations for Matriculation of Student Members are set out in the Examination Regulations.

(2) The dates shall be fixed by the Vice-Chancellor and published in the University Gazette.

2.2. The time and place for the attendance of each college, society, Permanent Private Hall, and other designated institution shall be fixed by the Vice-Chancellor's Secretary, who shall inform the officers of the colleges, societies, halls, and other designated institutions not later than the Friday before the beginning of Full Term or the Friday in the seventh week of Full Term, as the case may be.

2.3. The authorities of the college, society, hall, or other designated institution shall send to the Registrar not later than 10 a.m. on the third day before the ceremony a list of candidates to be matriculated, including those who have already been provisionally matriculated.

2.4. At the ceremony the lists of candidates to be matriculated in person shall be handed by the officers of the colleges, societies, halls, and other designated institutions to an official of the University Offices, who shall receive the assurance of those officers that all the candidates named on the lists are present. The lists will be marked for those students who were expected to attend but are not present.

2.5. If any candidates are to be matriculated in absence at the ceremony (in accordance with section 6 (2) of Statute II), those candidates shall also be included on the lists handed to the official of the University Offices and be marked accordingly.

2.6. (1) Candidates shall be presented to the Vice-Chancellor in groups of colleges, societies, halls, and other designated institutions (the grouping to be determined by the Vice-Chancellor) by the officer of the college, society, hall, or other designated institution senior in foundation in the group, with the following formula:

'Insignissime Vice-Cancellarie, praesentamus tibi hos nostros scholares ut referantur in Matriculam Universitatis.'

(2) The Vice-Chancellor shall admit the candidate(s) with the following formula:

'Scitote vos in Matriculam Universitatis hodie relatos esse, et ad observandum omnia Statuta istius Universitatis, quantum ad vos spectent, teneri.'

2.7. An official in the University Offices shall update the student record on behalf of the Registrar with the dates at which candidates were matriculated (whether in person or in absence) and provisionally matriculated at that ceremony.

Degree days

3.1. In Hilary Term each year the Vice-Chancellor shall determine, and the Registrar shall forthwith publish in the University Gazette, the dates of the degree ceremonies to be held in the next academic year but one, except that the Vice-Chancellor may, in the exercise of his or her powers under regulation 1.2 of the Regulations for the Conduct of Business in Congregation, subsequently determine that one or more additional degree ceremonies shall be held in the year concerned. The Degree Conferrals Office shall agree with each college, society, Permanent Private Hall, or other designated institution the dates at which their candidates will be presented. In the event that agreement cannot be reached, the Vice-Chancellor shall make the final adjudication.

3.2. Degrees conferred at any meeting of Congregation summoned by the Vice-Chancellor between the end of Trinity Term and the beginning of Michaelmas Term shall be reckoned for all purposes as if conferred on the last day of the preceding Trinity Term.

Entry of names

3.3. The names of candidates for degrees will be confirmed by the Degree Conferrals Office through the degree ceremonies booking system no later than sixty days before the degree day, and shall be subject to conditions as published from time to time on the webpage concerning the participation of candidates in degree ceremonies. The Vice-Chancellor shall have power for some reasonable cause to dispense from the provisions of this regulation.

3.4. If a candidate who failed to attend a degree ceremony and consequently was admitted to a degree in absentia wishes to graduate in person at a future ceremony, an application may be made to the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors (via the Degree Conferrals Office) for the award of the degree(s) to be set aside in certain exceptional circumstances. If approved, the candidate may then be admitted to the same degree(s) in accordance with regulation 3.3 (above). If a degree certificate relating to the graduation in absentia has already been issued, it must be returned with the application.

3.5. A candidate shall be admitted in person to not more than one degree at each ceremony (normally the superior of the degrees for which he or she has been given leave to supplicate) but may be admitted in absence at the same ceremony to any other degree(s) for which he or she has been given leave to supplicate.

3.6. Each candidate for a degree shall be presented by a Master of Arts of his or her own college, society, hall, or other designated institution (unless the Vice-Chancellor has given leave otherwise), except that:

(1) candidates for the Degrees of Bachelor of Divinity and Doctor of Divinity shall be presented by the Regius Professor of Divinity;

(2) candidates for the Degrees of Magister Juris, Bachelor of Civil Law, and Doctor of Civil Law shall be presented by the Regius Professor of Civil Law;

(3) candidates for the Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine, Master of Surgery, and Doctor of Medicine shall be presented by the Regius Professor of Medicine;

(4) candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Letters shall be presented by the Regius Professor of Greek;

(5) candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Science shall be presented by the Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy;

(6) candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Music shall be presented by the Heather Professor of Music;

(7) candidates for the Degrees of Master of Theology and Bachelor of Theology shall be presented by the head of their college, society, hall, or other designated institution or by his or her deputy;

3.7. (1) Each of the professors specified in regulation 3.6 (1)-(6) above may appoint a Master of Arts to deputise for him or her.

(2) If the Master of Arts or other person presenting a candidate on behalf of his or her college, society, hall, or other designated institution or as deputy to a professor is not a member of Congregation, that Master of Arts or other person shall be deemed to be such a member for the purposes, and only for the purposes, of the meeting of Congregation at which the candidate is presented by him or her.

3.8. The Vice-Chancellor and Proctors may direct that the name of any candidate be removed from the list of candidates, subject to the following conditions:

(1) the reason for the removal shall be stated in writing to the candidate and to his or her college, society, hall, or other designated institution;

(2) if the name is removed from a list on more than one occasion, the candidate's college, society, hall, or other designated institution may require that the name be put to Congregation at a subsequent ordinary meeting by a Proctor with the reasons which led the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors to remove it and that, after a representative of the college, society, hall, or other designated institution has had the opportunity to speak, the name shall be put to the vote;

(3) notice of the putting of a name to Congregation in this way shall be given by the Registrar in the UniversityGazette not less than fourteen days before the meeting at which the name is to be put.

Order of ceremonies

3.9. (1) Each college, society, hall, or other designated institution shall confirm the list of candidates who have satisfied all requirements, and that the college, society, hall, or other designated institution has granted a grace to the candidate for the degree concerned.

(2) The form of the grace for each degree shall be prescribed by the Vice-Chancellor.

(3) At the beginning of the ceremony the Registrar shall testify that graces have been given for all candidates and that he or she is satisfied that they are qualified for the degree for which they are supplicating.

3.10. (1) The Registrar shall also testify, if a college, society, hall, or other designated institution shall so request and shall provide a grace, that a deceased member of that college, society, hall, or other designated institution, whom he or she shall name, had fulfilled all the requirements for admission to the degree concerned.

(2) Following the Registrar's testimony, one of the Proctors shall, in respect of any such member, declare, in the form specified in regulation 4.1 in Part 4 of these regulations, that a certificate shall accordingly be issued.

3.11. One of the Proctors shall read out (in the form specified in regulation 4.2 (1) in Part 4 of these regulations) the names of those supplicating for the various degrees, except that the names of those supplicating for degrees in absence shall not be read out, and the supplications of those persons shall be presented to Congregation in the formula set out in regulation 4.2 (2) in Part 4 of these regulations.

3.12. After the names have been read out, the Proctors shall seek the approval of Congregation, and if this is given shall announce the fact with the words: 'Hae gratiae concessae sunt, et sic pronuntiamus concessas.'

3.13. The candidates shall be presented to the Vice-Chancellor with the appropriate formula as specified in regulation 4.3 in Part 4 of these regulations.

3.14. One of the Proctors shall say to those supplicating for the Degrees of Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Civil Law, Doctor of Medicine, Master of Surgery, or Master of Arts:

'Domini Doctores, Magistri (orDomini), vos dabitis fidem ad observandum statuta, privilegia, consuetudines, et libertates istius Universitatis.

'Item quod quum admissi fueritis in domum Congregationis et in domum Convocationis, in iisdem bene et fideliter, ad honorem et profectum Universitatis, vos geretis. Et specialiter quod in negotiis quae ad gratias et gradus spectant non impedietis dignos, nec indignos promovebitis.

'Item quod in electionibus habendis unum tantum semel et non amplius in singulis scrutiniis scribetis et nominabitis; et quod neminem nominabitis nisi quem habilem et idoneum certo sciveritis vel firmiter credideritis.'

and the candidates shall reply: 'Do fidem.'

3.15. To those supplicating for any other degree, one of the Proctors shall say:

'Vos dabitis fidem ad observandum omnia statuta, privilegia, consuetudines, et libertates istius Universitatis, quatenus ad vos spectent.'

and the candidates shall reply: ‘Do fidem.’

3.16. The Vice-Chancellor shall admit the candidates with the appropriate formula as specified in regulation 4.4 in Part 4 of these regulations.

3.17. When the conditions laid down in regulation 1.3 of the Regulations for Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates for the conferment of a degree in absence are satisfied, if Congregation is willing, the degree shall be conferred in the following form which shall be recited by the Vice-Chancellor:

'Ego Vice-Cancellarius, auctoritate mea et totius Universitatis, admitto ad eum gradum quem quisque petat eos quibus etiam in absentia supplicare licuit ut per schedulas rite a Registrario compositas satis apparet.'

3.18. After admission the candidates shall depart, and shall subsequently return wearing the academic dress of the degree to which they have been admitted.

3.19. The precise ordering of the ceremony within the framework laid down in this section shall be determined by the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors.

3.20. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of regulations 3.1-3.19 above, a degree day shall be deemed to have been held on the Saturday of the first week of each Hilary Full Term, and on such other days as Council may in exceptional circumstances determine, for the purpose of the conferment of degrees in absence.

(2) The names of candidates for such a degree day shall be entered in accordance with regulations 3.3-3.8 above.

(3) The Vice-Chancellor shall then have power to declare the degrees conferred without holding the meeting of Congregation.

3.21. Candidates shall wear academic dress as prescribed from time to time in the Student Handbook.

Ceremonies for persons who have not been matriculated by the University

3.22. Notwithstanding the provisions of regulations 3.3 and 3.8 above and of regulation 1.1 of the Regulations for Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates, when appropriately qualified candidates who have not been matriculated by the University are admitted to degrees of the University their admissions (whether in person or in absence) shall take place at special ceremonies arranged for this purpose.

3.23. The dates of such ceremonies shall be as determined from time to time by the Vice-Chancellor and when determined shall forthwith be published in the University Gazette.

3.24. The precise ordering of such ceremonies shall be as determined from time to time by the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors, except that the forms of supplication, forms of presentation, and forms of admission used in the ceremonies, shall (with any necessary substitutions), be as specified in Part 4 of these regulations.


3.25. (1) The forms of supplicating, presentation, and admission for incorporation in person under regulations 1.7-1.18 of the Regulations for Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates shall be as set out in regulations 3.26-3.30 below.

(2) The procedure for incorporation in absence shall be the same (with any necessary substitutions) as the procedure for other conferments of degrees in absence.

3.26. (1) For a graduate above the Degree of Bachelor of Arts or Master of Engineering or Master of Natural Sciences the form of supplicating shall be: 'Supplicat A. B. e Collegio (or ex Aula or e Societate) C., Magister in Artibus (or Baccalaureusor Doctor in S. Theologia or Doctor in Litteris or Doctor in Scientia, or Baccalaureus or Doctor in Jure or Baccalaureus or Doctor in Medicina or Magister in Chirurgia, or Doctor in Philosophia) in Academia Cantabrigiensi (or Dubliniensi) creatus, cui licentia incorporandi per Concilium data est, ut bona vestra cum venia admittatur ad eundem gradum statum dignitatem et privilegia apud Oxonienses, quibus ornatus est apud suos Cantabrigienses (or Dublinienses).'

(2) For a Bachelor of Arts or Master of Engineering or Master of Natural Sciences the form shall be: 'Supplicat A. B. e Collegio (or ex Aula or e Societate) C., Baccalaureus in Artibus (or Magister in Ingeniaria or in Scientiis Naturalibus) in Academia Cantabrigiensi (or Dubliniensi) creatus, cui licentia incorporandi per Concilium data est, ut bona vestra cum venia admittatur ad eundem gradum statum et dignitatem apud Oxonienses, quibus ornatus est apud suos Cantabrigienses (or Dublinienses); necnon ut [duodecim] terminos in eadem Academia completos hic secundum rationem Oxoniensem sibi reputatos habeat.'

3.27. When the granting of the grace has been declared, the presentation shall be made in the form: 'Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc Baccalaureum (or Magistrum) in Artibus (or Baccalaureum or Doctorem in S. Theologia or Doctorem in Litteris or Doctorem in Scientia or Baccalaureum or Doctorem in Jure or Baccalaureum or Doctorem in Medicina or Magistrum in Chirurgia or Doctorem in Philosophia or Magistrum in Ingeniaria or in Scientiis Naturalibus) in Academia Cantabrigiensi (or Dubliniensi) creatum, ut sit eodem gradu statu dignitate et privilegiis apud nos Oxonienses, quibus ornatus est apud suos Cantabrigienses (or Dublinienses).'

3.28. After presentation one of the Proctors shall say to each person who is being incorporated as a graduate above the Degree of Bachelor of Arts: 'Magister (or Domine or Domine Doctor), tu dabis fidem ad observandum statuta privilegia consuetudines et libertates istius Universitatis'; and each shall make answer: 'Do fidem.'

3.29. Then the Vice-Chancellor shall admit each graduate in the form: 'Domine (or Magister or Domine Doctor), ego admitto te ad eundem gradum statum dignitatem et privilegia hic apud nos Oxonienses, quibus ornatus es apud tuos Cantabrigienses (or Dublinienses)'; to which form, in the case of a Bachelor of Arts or a Master of Engineering or a Master of Natural Sciences, he or she shall add: 'Insuper [duodecim] termini, quos in Academia Cantabrigiensi (or Dubliniensi) complevisti, hic tibi secundum rationem nostram reputentur.'

3.30. For an undergraduate the form of supplicating shall be: 'Supplicat A. B. e Collegio (or ex Aula or e Societate) C., qui olim in matriculam Universitatis Cantabrigiensis (or Dubliniensis) relatus est, ut bona vestra cum venia [tres] terminos in Universitate praedicta per residentiam a se completos hic secundum rationem Oxoniensem sibi reputatos habeat'; then, as soon as the granting of the grace has been declared, the Vice-Chancellor shall pronounce: '[Tres] termini, quos A. B. in Universitate Cantabrigiensi (or Dubliniensi) per residentiam complevit, hic ei secundum rationem nostram reputentur.'

Forms of declaration

4.1. The form of declaration under regulation 3.10 in Part 3 of these regulations shall be:

Propter formulam nuper a Registrario pronuntiatam, testimonium, in quo demonstratur scholarem supra memoratum (or scholarem supra memoratam), omnia ante excessum compleuisse, quae per Statuta requirerentur, ut ad gradum supra memoratum admitteretur, dabitur.

Forms of supplication

4.2. The forms of supplication under regulation 3.11 in Part 3 of these regulations shall be as follows.

(1) Degrees in person

Supplicant venerabili Congregationi Doctorum et Magistrorum regentium hi Studiosi (or hae Studiosae) qui compleverunt omnia quae per statuta requiruntur (nisi quatenus cum eis dispensatum fuerit); ut haec sufficiant, quo admittantur ad gradum enumeratum.

Doctoris in Sacra Theologia

A. B. e collegio C.
D. E. e collegio F.

Baccalaurei in Iure Civili et Doctoris in eadem facultate

A. B. e collegio C.

Doctoris in Iure Civili

A. B. e collegio C.

Doctoris in Medicina

A. B. e collegio C.

Doctoris in Litteris

A. B. e collegio C.

Doctoris in Scientia

A. B. e collegio C.

Doctoris in Musica

A. B. e collegio C.

Doctoris in Philosophia

A. B. e collegio C.

Doctoris in Psychologia Medica

A. B. e collegio de Harris et Manchester.

Doctoris in Ingeniaria

A. B. e collegio C.

Magistri in Chirurgia

A. B. e collegio C.

Magistri in Scientia

A. B. e collegio C.

Magistri in Litteris

A. B. e collegio C.

Magistri in Philosophia

A. B. e collegio C.

Magistri in Studiis

A. B. e collegio C.

Magistri in Theologia

A. B. e collegio C.

Magistri in Consilio Publico

A. B. e collegio C.

Magistri in Negotiis Administrandis

A. B. e collegio C.

Magistri in Bellis Artibus

A. B. e Collegio C.

Magistri in Artibus

A. B. e collegio C.

Magistri in Biochimia, vel Biologia, vel Chimia, vel Scientia Computatoria, Scientiis Terrenis, vel Ingeniaria, vel Mathematicis, vel Physica, vel Mathematica et Scientia Computatoria, vel Mathematica et Philosophia, vel Mathematica et Physica, vel Physica et Philosophia, vel Scientia Computatoria et Philosophia, vel Scientiis Biomedicis, vel Scientia in Psychologia Experimentali, vel Scientia in Psychologia, Philosophia et Linguistica

A. B. e collegio C.
D. E. e collegio F.

Baccalaurei in Sacra Theologia

A. B. e collegio C.

Baccalaurei in Iure Civili

A. B. e collegio C.

Magistri Iuris

A. B. e collegio C.

Baccalaurei in Medicina

A. B. e collegio C.

Baccalaurei in Chirurgia

A. B. e collegio C

Baccalaurei in Musica

A. B. e collegio C.

Baccalaurei in Philosophia

A. B. e collegio C.

Baccalaurei in Artibus

A. B. e collegio C.

Baccalaurei in Bellis Artibus

A. B. e collegio C.

Baccalaurei in Theologia

A. B. e collegio C.

(2) Degrees in absence

Supplicant in absentia venerabili Congregationi Doctorum et Magistrorum regentium omnes quorum nomina in schedulis rite a Registrario conscripta sunt, qui omnia praestiterunt quae per statuta requiruntur (nisi quatenus cum eis dispensatum fuerit); ut haec sufficiant, quo admittantur ad eum gradum quem quisque petat.

Forms of presentation

4.3. The formulae for the presentation of candidates to the Vice-Chancellor under regulation 3.13 in Part 3 of these regulations shall be as follows.

(1) Bachelor of Arts

Insignissime Vice-Cancellarie, vosque egregii Procuratores, praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem (or hos meos scholares) in facultate Artium, ut admittatur (or admittantur) ad gradum Baccalaurei in Artibus.

(2) Master of Arts

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc Baccalaureum (or hos Baccalaureos) in facultate Artium, ut admittatur (or admittantur) ad incipiendum in eadem facultate.

(3) Bachelor of Music

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem in facultate Musicae, ut admittatur ad gradum Baccalaurei in eadem facultate; ad quam admissionem eum aptum, habilem et idoneum esse, sub chirographis hominum in arte musica peritissimorum abunde testatum accepistis.

(4) Doctor of Music

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc Baccalaureum in facultate Musicae, ut admittatur ad incipiendum in eadem facultate; ad quam admissionem, etc. (as above).

(5) Bachelor of Philosophy

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem (or hunc Baccalaureum or Magistrum) in facultate Artium ut admittatur ad gradum Baccalaurei in Philosophia.

(6) Doctor of Philosophy

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem (or hunc Baccalaureum or Magistrum) in facultate Artium ut admittatur ad gradum Doctoris in Philosophia.

(7) Doctor of Letters; Doctor of Science

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc Magistrum in facultate Artium (or Baccalaureum in Litteris or Scientia) ut admittatur ad gradum Doctoris in Litteris (or Scientia).

(8) Bachelor of Medicine

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc Studiosum in Medicina ut admittatur ad gradum Baccalaurei in eadem facultate.

(9) Master of Surgery

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc Baccalaureum Chirurgiae, ut admittatur ad incipiendum in eadem faultate.

(10) Doctor of Medicine

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc Baccalaureum in Medicina, ut admittaur ad incipiendum in eadem facultate.

(11) Bachelor of Civil Law

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc Studiosum in Jure Civili, ut admittatur ad gradum Baccalaurei in eadem facultate.

(12) Doctor of Civil Law

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc Baccalaureum in Jure Civili, ut admittatur ad incipiendum in eadem facultate.

(13) Bachelor of Divinity

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc Studiosum in S. Theologia, ut admittatur ad gradum Baccalaurei in eadem facultate.

(14) Doctor of Divinity

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc Magistrum (or Baccalaureum or meum scholarem) facultatis Artium (or Doctorem in Philosophia or Magistrum or Baccalaureum in Litteris or in Scientia), ut admittatur ad incipiendum in facultate S. Theologiae.

(15) Master of Science

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem (or hunc Baccalaureum or Magistrum) in facultate Artium ut admittatur ad gradum Magistri in Scientia.

(16) Bachelor of Fine Art

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem, ut admittatur ad gradum Baccalaurei in Bellis Artibus.

(17) Master of Letters, Philosophy

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem (or hunc Baccalaureum or Magistrum) in facultate Artium ut admittatur ad gradum Magistri in Litteris (or in Philosophia).

(18) Master of Studies

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem (or hunc Baccalaureum or Magistrum) in facultate Artium ut admittatur ad gradum Magistri in Studiis.

(19) Magister Juris

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem (or hunc Baccalaureum or Magistrum) in facultate Artium ut admittatur ad gradum Magistri Juris.

(20) Master of Theology; Bachelor of Theology

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem in Theologia (or hunc Baccalaureum or Magistrum in facultate Artium), ut admittatur ad gradum Magistri (or Baccalaurei) in Theologia.

(21) Master of Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Mathematics and Philosophy, Mathematics and Physics, Physics and Philosophy, Computer Science and Philosophy, and Biomedical Sciences; Master in Science in Experimental Psychology, and Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics

Insignissime, etc, praesento vobis hos meos scholares et has meas scholares in facultate Artium, ut admittantur ad gradum Magistri in illis scientiis quae in schedula a Registrario publicata scriptae sunt.

(22) Master of Public Policy

Insignissime, etc, praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem (or hunc Baccalaureum or Magistrum) in facultate Artium ut admittatur ad gradum Magistri in Consilio Publico.

(23) Master of Business Administration

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem (or hunc Baccalaureum or Magistrum) in facultate Artium ut admittatur ad gradum Magistri in Negotiis Administrandis.

(24) Master of Fine Art

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem (or hunc Baccalaureum or Magistrum) in facultate Artium ut admittatur ad gradum Magistri in Bellis Artibus.

(25) Doctor of Clinical Psychology

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem in Psychologia Medica (or hunc Baccalaureum or Magistrum) ut admittatur ad gradum Doctoris in Psychologia Medica.

(26) Doctor of Engineering

Insignissime, etc., praesento vobis hunc meum scholarem in Ingeniaria (or hunc Baccalaureum or Magistrum) ut admittatur ad gradum Doctoris in Ingeniaria.

Forms of admission

4.4. The forms of admission under regulation 3.16 in Part 3 of these regulations shall be as follows.

(1) Bachelor of Music

Domine (or Domini, if more than one), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Baccalaurei in Musica.

(2) Doctor of Music

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego auctoritate mea et totius Universitatis do tibi (or vobis) licentiam incipiendi in facultate Musicae.

(3) Bachelor of Arts

Domine (or Domini), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Baccalaurei in Artibus; insuper auctoritate mea et totius Universitatis, do tibi (or vobis) potestatem legendi, et reliqua omnia faciendi quae ad eundem gradum spectant.

(4) Bachelor of Philosophy

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Baccalaurei in Philosophia.

(5) Bachelor of Medicine

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Baccalaurei in Medicina.

(6) Bachelor of Civil Law

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Baccalaurei in Jure Civili.

(7) Bachelor of Divinity

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Baccalaurei in S. Theologia.

(8) Doctor of Philosophy

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Doctoris in Philosophia.

(9) Doctor of Letters; Doctor of Science

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Doctoris in Litteris or Scientia.

(10) Master of Science

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Magistri in Scientia.

(11) Bachelor of Fine Art

Domine (or Domini), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Baccalaurei in Bellis Artibus.

(12) Master of Letters, Philosophy

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Magistri in Litteris (or in Philosophia).

(13) Master of Studies

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Magistri in Studiis.

(14) Magister Juris

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Magistri Juris.

(15) Master of Theology; Bachelor of Theology

Domine (or Magister) (or Domini or Magistri) ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Magistri (or Baccalaurei) in Theologia.

(16) Master of Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Mathematics and Philosophy, Mathematics and Physics, Physics and Philosophy, Computer Science and Philosophy, and Biomedical Sciences; Master in Science in Experimental Psychology, and Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics

Domini, ego admitto vos ad gradum Magistri in Biochimia, vel Biologia, vel Chimia, vel Scientia Computatoria, vel Scientiis Terrenis, vel Ingeniaria, vel Mathematica, vel Physica, vel Mathematica et Scientia Computatoria, vel Mathematica et Philosophia, vel Mathematica et Physica, vel Physica et Philosophia, vel Scientia Computatoria et Philosophia, vel Scientiis Biomedicis, vel ad gradum Magistri in Scientia in Psychologia Experimentali, vel in Psychologia, Philosophia et Linguistica, prout in schedula a Registrario scriptum est; insuper auctoritate mea et totius Universitatis, do vobis potestatem legendi, et reliqua omnia faciendi quae ad eundem gradum spectant.

(17) Master of Public Policy

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Magistri in Consilio Publico.

(18) Master of Business Administration

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Magistri in Negotiis Administrandis.

(19) Master of Fine Art

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Magistri in Bellis Artibus.

(20) Doctor of Clinical Psychology

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Doctoris in Psychologia Medica.

(21) Doctor of Engineering

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego admitto te (or vos) ad gradum Doctoris in Ingeniaria.

(22) Other degrees

Domine or Magister (or Domini or Magistri), ego auctoritate mea et totius Universitatis do tibi (or vobis) licentiam incipiendi in facultate Artium (or facultate Chirurgiae, Medicinae, Juris, S. Theologiae) legendi, disputandi, et caetera omnia faciendi quae ad statum Doctoris (or Magistri) in eadem facultate pertinent, cum ea completa sint quae per statuta requiruntur.

5.1. The ceremony of the Encaenia shall be held in each academic year for the commemoration of the benefactors of the University, for the conferment of Honorary Degrees, and for such other business as Council may determine.

5.2. The form of the ceremony shall be determined by Council.

5.3. The day for holding the Encaenia in any year shall be appointed by Council before the end of the fourth week of Trinity Full Term in the preceding year.

5.4. The Encaenia shall be held in the Sheldonian Theatre unless the Vice-Chancellor, with the consent of Council, appoints some other place for holding the Encaenia in any year.

5.5. When the Encaenia is held in the Sheldonian Theatre, the Curators of the Theatre shall make arrangements for the conduct of the ceremony.

Committee for the nomination of Select Preachers

6.1 Select Preachers shall be nominated by a committee consisting of:

(1) a person appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be chair of the committee;

(2), one of the Proctors or the Assessor, as may be agreed between them;

(3), (4), two professors in the Faculty of Theology and Religion elected by the professors in that faculty;

(5), (6) two members of Congregation elected by Congregation;

(7) the Vicar of St Mary's Church;

(8)-(10) the Committee may co-opt up to three additional members, who may be internal or external, who shall hold office for one year and shall be re-eligible.

6.2 The elected members of the committee shall hold office for four years and shall be re-eligible.

6.3 The committee shall nominate Select Preachers in each Michaelmas Term; and the consent of four members of the committee, one of whom must be the chair, shall be required for a nomination. The committee shall also nominate the preachers of the Court Sermon, the Sermon on the Sin of Pride, the Macbride Sermon, the Sermon on the Grace of Humility, and the Ramsden Sermon.

6.4 The names of the preachers shall be published in the University Gazette.

The summons of preachers

6.5 A person shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor to summon those who are to preach.

6.6 The summoner of preachers shall act as secretary to the Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers.

6.7 If an individual who has undertaken to preach is prevented by sudden illness or other urgent cause from preaching, the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint some other qualified individual to replace that preacher.

The qualification of preachers

6.8 The Vice-Chancellor and the committee may use such liberty in nominating preachers as may be exercised by a Diocesan Bishop in accordance with resolutions of the Convocations of the Church of England.

6.9 At least three sermons each year shall be preached by members of Congregation.

The payment of preachers

6.10 Council shall determine the payments to be made to preachers nominated under these regulations, including travelling expenses if any preacher is not resident in Oxford, except those nominated under regulations 6.17 (1) and 6.17 (2) below.

Holy Communion

6.11 In the week before each Full Term, the Holy Communion according to the Liturgy of the Church of England shall be celebrated in the Church of St Mary the Virgin, by an individual appointed by the Vice-Chancellor.

Sermons to be preached in Full Term in St Mary's Church

6.12 Sermons shall be preached before the University in St Mary's Church on certain days, namely:

(1) on two Sundays during Michaelmas Full Term, to be determined by the Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers;

(2) on two Sundays during Hilary Full Term, excepting the first day of Hilary Full Term, to be determined by the Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers;

(3) on the first day of Hilary Full Term, the Latin Sermon (to be preached in accordance with Regulations 6.13 and 6.14 below); and

(4) on no more than two Sundays during Trinity Full Term:

(a) one to be on the third Sunday of term, or such date as the Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers shall determine, the Commemoration Day Sermon; and

(b) one, if any, to be determined by the Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers.

Latin Sermon

6.13 On the first day of Hilary Full Term a Latin Sermon (to be preceded by the Litany read by one of the Proctors or by another member of Convocation appointed by them) shall be preached in the Church of St Mary the Virgin by individuals nominated by the Faculty of Classics.

6.14 If the Faculty of Classics should fail to nominate the preacher, or if the preacher nominated should be prevented by sudden illness or other urgent cause from preaching, the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint some other qualified individual to replace that preacher.

Sermons on the Grace of Humility and the Sin of Pride

6.15 The Sermons on the Grace of Humility and on the Sin of Pride, for which a benefaction was given to the University in 1684 by the Revd William Master, Vicar of Preston, near Cirencester, shall be preached on Quinquagesima Sunday and the last Sunday before Advent respectively, on one of a selection of texts specified by the benefactor.

The Ramsden Sermon

6.16 The Ramsden Sermon, for which a benefaction (now known as the Ramsden Benefaction) was given to the University by Mr J.H. Markland in 1847, shall be preached upon 'Church Extension within the British Commonwealth'.

Sermons to be preached elsewhere than in St Mary's Church

6.17 Sermons shall be preached before the University in certain colleges, on certain days, namely:

(1) in the Cathedral Church of Christ on the first Sunday in Advent and on Whitsunday;

(2) in Magdalen College, on the Sunday in Full Term nearest St Mark's Day, and on the ninth Sunday of Trinity Term;

(3) in Oriel College, on the eighth Sunday of Hilary Full Term;

(4) in Hertford College, the Macbride Sermon (preached in accordance with Part 34 of the Schedule to the Statutes) on the second Sunday in Hilary Term;

(5) in the Cathedral Church of Christ, when a Court Sermon is required;

(6) in Queen's College, on Trinity Sunday;

(7) in rotation, in one of those colleges and societies which have so agreed with the Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers, the Ramsden Sermon (preached in accordance with Regulation 6.16 above), on the fourth Sunday of Michaelmas Full Term;

(8) in rotation, in one of those colleges and societies which have so agreed with the Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers, the Sermon on the Sin of Pride (preached in accordance with Regulation 6.15 above), on the last Sunday before Advent;

(9) in rotation, in one of those colleges and societies which have so agreed with the Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers, the Sermon on the Grace of Humility (preached in accordance with Regulation 6.15 above), on Quinquagesima Sunday.

6.18 In each instance, except those detailed in 6.17 (4), 6.17 (5), 6.17 (7), 6.17 (8) and 6.17 (9) above, the preacher shall be appointed by the college.

Commemoration of benefactors

6.19 The preacher, in a prayer before the University sermon specified in Regulation 6.12(4)(a) above, shall make a grateful commemoration of the benefactors of the University, recalling by name those whom Council has decreed shall be commemorated in this way. The list of names shall be divided into six sections, one of which shall be read out in turn at each successive commemoration. The list shall be held by the Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers and shall be presented to the committee at its meeting in each Michaelmas Term.

Admission of the Chancellor

7.1. On the occasion of the admission of the Chancellor, the instrument of his or her election under the Common Seal of the University shall be handed to him or her by the Vice-Chancellor and Senior Proctor, together with the insignia of the office of Chancellor, that is, the statute book, the keys, the seal of office, and the staves of the Bedels.

7.2. At the installation of the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor shall say:

'Insignissime et Honoratissime etc. Tu dabis fidem, quod omnia et singula Statuta, Libertates, Consuetudines, Jura, et Privilegia istius Universitatis, quacunque partialitate remota, indifferenter, bene, et fideliter, quantum in te fuerit, et ad tuam notitiam devenerint, durante Officio tuo, tueberis et conservabis.

'Item quod ea omnia fideliter exequeris quae ad Officium summi Universitatis Cancellarii spectant.'

and the Chancellor shall reply: 'Do fidem.'

Admission of the Vice-Chancellor

7.3. On the occasion of the admission of the Vice-Chancellor, the retiring Vice-Chancellor shall address Congregation briefly concerning his or her period of office, hand to the Proctors the statute book, the keys, and the seal of office, and leave his or her place to his or her successor.

7.4. The new Vice-Chancellor shall then give the following undertaking, to be recited by the Senior Proctor:

'Insignissime etc. Tu dabis fidem ad observandum Statuta, Privilegia, Libertates, et Consuetudines istius Universitatis.

'Item tu dabis fidem, quod ea omnia fideliter exequeris quae ad Officium Vice-Cancellarii spectant.'

and the Vice-Chancellor shall reply: 'Do fidem.'

7.5. The new Vice-Chancellor shall then receive the insignia of office from the Proctors, take his or her seat as Vice-Chancellor, and hand to the Senior Proctor a list of the persons whom he or she has selected to act for the time being as Pro-Vice-Chancellors and perform such of his or her functions as he or she shall depute to them.

7.6. (1) The Vice-Chancellor shall then dismiss Congregation, and, accompanied by the Doctors and Masters, shall escort the retiring Vice-Chancellor to his or her college or society (except when the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors determine otherwise at the request of the college or society concerned, or for other good cause).

(2) The Doctors and Masters shall then escort the new Vice-Chancellor to his or her college or society (except when the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors determine otherwise at the request of the college or society concerned, or for other good cause).

Admission of the Pro-Vice-Chancellors

7.7. The Pro-Vice-Chancellors for the ensuing academic year shall normally be admitted at a meeting of Congregation held at the beginning of that year, but the admission of any Pro-Vice-Chancellor who is unable to be present on that occasion, or who is nominated later in the academic year, may take place at a private ceremony held for the purpose.

7.8. On the occasion of the admission of the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, after the Vice-Chancellor has given to the Senior Proctor, and the Senior Proctor has read out, the list of the Pro-Vice-Chancellors nominated for the ensuing academic year, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors shall give the following undertaking, to be recited by the Senior Proctor:

'Insignissimi Domini Doctores, vosque egregii Magistri, vos dabitis fidem ad observandum statuta, privilegia, libertates, et consuetudines istius Universitatis.'

and the Pro-Vice-Chancellors shall reply: 'Do fidem.'

Admission of the Proctors and the Assessor

7.9. On the occasion of the admission of the Proctors and Assessor, the new Proctors and Assessor shall be escorted from their colleges or societies (except when the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors determine otherwise at the request of the college or society concerned, or for other good cause) by the heads and other members of their colleges or societies, preceded by one of the Bedels, and wearing the gowns appropriate to a Proctor or the Assessor (as the case may be) and the hoods and other academic dress appropriate to a Master of Arts.

7.10. After the outgoing Proctors and Assessor have taken their seats, the outgoing Senior Proctor shall address the House briefly concerning the events of the year.

7.11. Both outgoing Proctors shall then give up the insignia of their office, that is, the statute book and the keys.

7.12. The new Proctors shall then be presented to the Vice-Chancellor by the head or vicegerent of their college or society with the following formula:

'Insignissime Domine Vice-Cancellerie, praesento tibi hunc egregium virum (or hanc egregiam feminam) A. B. in Artibus Magistrum (or in superiore aliqua Facultate Baccalaureum or Doctorem) e Collegio N. secundum statuta in alterum Procuratorum hujus Universitatis electum (or electam), ut ad munus Procuratorium istius Universitatis in annum sequentem obeundum admittatur.'

7.13. The Vice-Chancellor shall then say to each Proctor:

'Magister, tu dabis fidem, quod ea omnia et singula quae ad officium (senioris or junioris) Procuratoris istius Universitatis spectant, bene et fideliter, et indifferenter, quatenus te et officium tuum concernunt, omnimoda partialitate seposita, durante tuo officio, exequeris; et executionem eorundem per deputatos tuos, quantum in te est, procurabis.'

and each Proctor shall reply: 'Do fidem.'

7.14. The Vice-Chancellor shall then hand to each of them the insignia of his or her office, that is, the statute book and the keys, and shall admit them to office with the following formula:

'Egregie Magister, ego auctoritate mea et totius Universitatis admitto te ad officium Procuratoris istius Universitatis in annum sequentem; necnon ad reliqua omnia praestanda et peragenda, quae ad munus vel officium Procuratoris spectant.'

7.15. They shall then take the seats of the Proctors.

7.16. The head or vicegerent of the college or society of the new Assessor shall then present the new Assessor to the Vice-Chancellor with the following formula:

'Insignissime Domine Vice-Cancellarie, praesento tibi hunc egregium virum (or hanc egregiam feminam) A. B. in Artibus Magistrum (or in superiore aliqua Facultate Baccalaureum or Doctorem), e Collegio N. secundum statuta in Assessorem hujus Universitatis electum (or electam), ut ad munus Assessoris istius Universitatis in annum sequentem obeundum admittatur.'

7.17. The Vice-Chancellor shall then say to the Assessor:

'Magister, tu dabis fidem quod ea omnia et singula quae ad officium Assessoris istius Universitatis spectant, bene et fideliter, durante tuo officio, exequeris.'

and the Assessor shall reply: 'Do fidem.'

7.18. The Vice-Chancellor shall then admit the Assessor with the following formula:

'Egregie Magister, ego auctoritate mea et totius Universitatis admitto te ad officium Assessoris istius Universitatis in annum sequentem; necnon ad reliqua omnia praestanda et peragenda, quae ad munus vel officium Assessoris spectant.'

7.19. (1) Each Proctor shall then nominate his or her deputies.

(2) These deputies shall, if they are present, bind themselves, at the request of the Vice-Chancellor, by the same undertaking as the Proctors.

(3) If they are not present they may give this undertaking at a private ceremony held for the purpose.

7.20. The Vice-Chancellor shall then dismiss Congregation.

Admission of the Public Orator

7.21. The Public Orator may be admitted at a private ceremony held for the purpose.

7.22. On the occasion of the admission of the Public Orator, after he or she has been admitted to office by the Proctors, he or she shall say:

'Spondeo quod ea omnia et singula fideliter exequar, quae ad Publici Oratoris officium spectant.'

Admission of the Clerks of the Market

7.23. The Clerks of the Market for the ensuing academic year shall normally be admitted at a meeting of Congregation held at the beginning of that year, but the admission of a Clerk of the Market who is unable to be present on that occasion, or who is appointed later in the academic year, may take place at a private ceremony held for the purpose.

7.24. The Clerks of the Market shall, upon admission to office, give the following undertaking, to be recited by the Senior Proctor:

'Egregii Magistri, vos dabitis fidem ad observandum omnia jura, privilegia, libertates, et consuetudines istius Universitatis.

'Item vos dabitis fidem quod, omni favore personarum et lucri intuitu seposito, diligenter ea curabitis (quatenus et statuta regni et consuetudines Universitatis permittunt) quae ad officium Clericorum Mercatus aliqua ratione vel pertinent, vel pertinere possunt.'

and the Clerks of the Market shall reply: 'Do fidem.'

Admission of the Keeper of the Archives

7.25. The Keeper of the Archives may be admitted at a private ceremony held for the purpose.

7.26. The Keeper of the Archives shall, upon taking office, give the following undertaking, to be recited by the Senior Proctor:

'Magister, tu dabis fidem quod Chartas omnes Munimenta Registra et alia quaecunque ad Universitatem spectantia, tuae fidei concredita salva et in tuto custodies; quodque secreta Universitatis non revelabis.'

and the Keeper shall reply: 'Do fidem.'

Admission of the Director of University Library Services and Bodley's Librarian, and Officers of the Bodleian Library

7.27. The Director of University Library Services and Bodley's Librarian, and the Officers of the Bodleian Library, may be admitted at private ceremonies held for the purpose.

7.28. The Director of University Library Services and Bodley's Librarian shall, in advance of entering upon the duties of his or her office, give before the Vice-Chancellor the following undertaking, to be recited by the Senior Proctor:

'Tu dabis fidem te ea omnia fideliter executurum (or executuram) quae ad officium Biblothecarii spectant.'

and the Director and Librarian shall reply: 'Do fidem.'

7.29. Every Officer of the Library shall, in advance of entering upon the duties of his or her office, make a declaration in the same manner and form (with any necessary substitutions) as laid down in regulation 7.28 above.

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