Part 38: Oxford Green Estate Stewards Subgroup

Created on 22 November 2024 (Gazette, Vol 155. pp. 158-159, 7 November 2024).

1.1 The Oxford Green Estate Stewards Subgroup shall consist of:

(1) A Chair, who shall be a member of Congregation appointed by the Vice-Chancellor;

(2) the Director of Estates or nominee;

(3) a member of the Buildings and Estates Subcommittee nominated by its Chair;

(4) a member of the Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee nominated by its Chair;

(5) the Head of Gardens, Libraries and Museums or nominee; (6) the Director of the Department for Continuing Education or nominee;

(7) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) or nominee;

(8) a representative of the colleges, elected by Conference of Colleges.

1.2 The group may co-opt up to three additional members, who may be external.

1.3 The Oxford Green Estate Stewards Subgroup shall be responsible to the Buildings and Estates Subcommittee.

(1) The Oxford Green state is comprised of land, woodland and waterways along with associated residential and commercial properties held by the University, utilised for the purposes of research, education and outreach and to support the University’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy.

(2) The subgroup shall oversee the management of the Oxford Green state.

(3) In particular the subgroup shall:

(i) prioritise and sequence the varying demands for use of the Oxford Green Estate;

(ii) deliver a coordinated and consistent approach to planning for Oxford Green Estate assets;

(iii) embed best practice into the operation and management of the Oxford Green Estate and promote this approach within the wider University and partnership organisations;

(iv) ensure visibility of academic opportunities within the Oxford Green Estate;

(v) monitor and put in place procedures to manage access to the Oxford Green Estate by members of the University and the general public;

(vi) supervise the management of resources within the Oxford Green Estate, including;

a. making proposals to the Buildings and Estates Subcommittee for recommendation to Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on the annual budget of the Oxford Green Estate;

b. Consider and make proposals to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee (through the Buildings and Estates Subcommittee) on the acquisition, leasing and disposal of land and property within the Oxford Green Estate;

(vii) oversee the provision of community outreach and engagement activities related to the Oxford Green Estate;

(viii) maintain constructive relationships with other landowners and stakeholders in order to further the strategic objectives of the Oxford Green Estate; and

(ix) embed the tenets of wellbeing, education and creativity within policy development across the Oxford Green Estate.

1.4 The subgroup shall serve as the board of management of University trusts connected with the Oxford Green Estate, namely:

(1) The University of Oxford ffennell Fund;

(2) Godstow Nunnery;

(3) Mrs D M Gladman Bequest;

(4) Wytham Village Fund.

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