School of Geography Geographical Endowment Fund

Amended by the General Purposes Committee of Council with affect from 11 November 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 147, p. 94, 27 October 2016)

1. The administration of the Geographical Endowment Fund, which was established by a donation from the Clothworkers’ Company accepted by Decree (1) of Convocation of 11 July 1914 and increased by subsequent donations, shall be entrusted to the Departmental Committee of the School of Geography and the Environment; and the income of the fund shall be expended for the benefit of the School of Geography in such ways as the Committee shall from time to time determine.

2. The Fund includes transfers from the Tue Bequest, Vaughan Cornish Bequest, Beckit Memorial Fund and Herbertson Memorial Fund.

Tue Bequest

The bequest of the late George Albert Tue of one-third of the residue of his estate to be used by the School of Geography for the purchase of books for its library, such books to be suitably inscribed with his name and to be used in the School of Geography, shall be administered by the Board of the Faculty of Anthropology and Geography on the recommendation of the Professor of Geography

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