The Commission of Inquiry's terms of reference
(a) To review such aspects of the operation and structure of the collegiate University and its decision-making machinery as it considers appropriate, including current issues concerning the relationship between different bodies, and between the University and the colleges, and the colleges themselves, the distinctive role of each body, the balance between undergraduate and graduate teaching, and between teaching and research, the position of different categories of senior members within the collegiate university, and related matters;
(b) to take account of recommendations made by other bodies within the University which are currently considering matters related to (a) and to consider their implications;
(c) to make recommendations to Council, the General Board and Congregation.
Members of the Commission of Inquiry
Dr P.M. North, Vice-Chancellor 1993-97 (Chairman)
Professor A.M. Hudson, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford
Mr A.J. Nicholls, St Antony's College, Oxford
Dr O. O'Neill, Principal, Newnham College, Cambridge
Sir Ronald Oxburgh, Rector, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Professor G.K. Radda, British Heart Foundation Professor of Molecular Cardiology, Oxford, and from 1996 Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council
Mr R.G. Smethurst, Provost, Worcester College, Oxford
Dr N.M.J. Woodhouse, Wadham College, Oxford