College Accounts Committee

The College Accounts Committee is responsible for considering each year the audited accounts of each of the colleges which are presented under the provisions of Statute XV and any associated regulations, for authorising the publication within the University of the audited annual accounts of the colleges and for providing data to the General Purposes Committee (GPC) of Council drawn from the college financial information received. 

The CAC assists GPC in the management of the potential risk to the University arising from a serious threat to the financial sustainability of one or more colleges. The CAC carries out this role through an annual assessment of the financial results of the colleges. The Committee’s role is limited to the making of this assessment. Whether (or what) action might be required in response is a matter for GPC.

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Membership as at MT 2024 will be as follows:

  Name Conditions of appointment Until
[1] Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt, Principal of Jesus (delegate)  The Vice-Chancellor (or her delegate) MT 2026
[2] Eleanor Burnett, St Edmund Hall A person who shall have financial experience, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor MT 2025
[3] Professor Sam Wolfe, St Catherine's A member of Council appointed by Council MT 2025
[4] Dr David Prout, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources) A person appointed by Council who need not be a member of Council     MT 2026
[5] Yani Moyse, Nuffield One of three persons elected by the Conference of Colleges MT 2027
[6] Amanda Tilley, Balliol As above   MT 2026
[7] Mike Huggins, Worcester As above      MT 2025
Secretary: Planning and Council Secretariat (Aristea Gkontra)


Attending Officers:

Senior Proctor

Date Time  
27 January 2025 10.30  
3 March 2025 10.30  



For the regulations of the College Accounts Committee please click here:


Contact us

Aristea Gkontra

Senior Administrative Officer (Governance)

Planning and Council Secretariat