Elections by Congregation: Curators of the University Libraries - MT 2022


On Thursday, 24 November 2022, the following was duly elected to the Board of Curators of the University Libraries to hold office with immediate effect until the start of MT 2024:

Elizabeth McCarthy, BA Scripps, MA UCL, MSt Oxf, UAS (Public Affairs Directorate)

[The votes recorded were: for Ms McCarthy, 779; and for Dr Stubbs, 439]


One member of Congregation elected by Congregation, to serve until the start of Michaelmas Term 2024 [vice Dr AJ Fairweather-Tall, Humanities Division]



This election will be contested. The details of nominations received can be seen by clicking on the candidate's surname in any adjacent tabs.


The following nomination has been received:

Elizabeth McCarthy, BA Scripps, MA UCL, MSt Oxf, UAS (Public Affairs Directorate)

Nominated by:

Mr J Colman, Mansfield, UAS

Dr KE Eccles, Pembroke, Faculty of History

Professor DM Gann, Saïd Business School

Professor PS Grant, St Catherine’s

Dr SD Lee, Faculty of English

Mr R Ovenden, Balliol, GLAM

Professor EJ Smith, Hertford, Faculty of English

Professor MP Smith, Kellogg, GLAM


The following nomination has been received:

Dr Tara MC Stubbs, MA Camb, MSt DPhil Oxf, Fellow of Kellogg, Faculty of English, Dept for Continuing Education

Nominated by:

Professor J Michie, President of Kellogg

Professor RJ Goodman, Warden of St Antony’s

Professor AIP Smith, University, Faculty of History

Professor M Weait, Harris Manchester, Dept for Continuing Education

Professor AA Williams, St. Peter’s, Faculty of English

Contested elections

Candidate statements

This election will be contested. Candidate statements will be published on this website 3 November and in the Gazette 10 November. The details of any candidate's statements received can be seen by clicking on the candidate's surname in any adjacent tabs.


Candidate Statement: Elizabeth McCarthy

Oxford’s libraries play a central part in the University’s work – they provide crucial resources for learning, teaching, ground-breaking research and engagement with wider audiences. I would like to play a continued role in their future by joining their Curators and contributing to the future safekeeping of a national and global treasure.

My qualifications for this position come from years of work in cultural institutions, including academic libraries and indeed the Bodleian Libraries themselves. I trained, qualified and chartered as a librarian, managing special collections for the University of Reading as well as digital engagement and infrastructure for the Bodleian Libraries. I have worked closely with academic users as well as members of the public, on projects ranging from collections management to strategic decision making around systems and public engagement, and I appreciate the balance our libraries strike in providing truly excellent services for users of all levels.

In my current role as Head of Campaigns and Digital Communications, I continue to work across the collegiate University to understand and communicate around University priorities. I regularly engage with research and teaching colleagues to understand their strategic needs, and have worked with GLAM on a number of key initiatives. I continue to advise cultural institutions in my roles as a Trustee for Modern Art Oxford and a member of the Museums Computer Group Committee.

It would an honour to serve on this committee, supporting the valuable work of Oxford’s libraries.


Candidate Statement: Dr Tara MC Stubbs

I am applying for the position of Curator of the University Libraries because I combine research interests and experience in archives, genetic criticism and the materiality of the text with a passion for lifelong learning and community engagement. As an Associate Professor in English Literature at the Department for Continuing Education, who has attended and chaired committees on outreach and access, I feel strongly that our world-beating library resources and our physical library spaces should be easily accessible to our students, whether full-time or part-time, undergraduate or postgraduate, or on any of our accredited courses. Our libraries should also appeal to potential students. As Dean of Kellogg College since Michaelmas 2020, during the Covid pandemic and in this period of transition, I have worked hard to ensure that students do not feel isolated; and their access to library resources plays an important part in this. My own research projects draw on manuscripts and other textual ephemera, so I also understand the importance of protecting and preserving our library heritage while ensuring that students (and members of the public, where feasible) have access to the wide range, and huge numbers, of resources that the University Libraries contain. A large part of my work centres on public engagement, and so I am comfortable with balancing the needs of our students and researchers with the interests of the wider community in Oxford, and beyond. Our libraries have a central role to play in this through exhibitions, tours, workshops and other community engagement activities.

General Notes

The elections on 24 November 2022 will be conducted electronically.


Hard copies of nomination forms will not be processed. Nominations must be made on an official  nomination form. Completed nomination forms must be sent as an email attachment to the Elections Office by 4pm on Thursday, 27 October. Please ensure that the nominators listed in section D are also copied into the email when the nomination form is submitted, as this will act as verification of the nomination in lieu of supplying original signatures.

General requirements and eligibility

All candidates are asked to note the general requirements which apply to all committee members, as set out in Council Regulations 14 of 2002 (General Regulations of Council for Committees). Current members seeking re-election are also asked to check for specific restrictions on consecutive service. For further information, please see the eligibility and amendments to nominations sections within the Information about University elections pages of the Elections website.

Candidate’s statement

Candidates are invited to include with their nomination forms a written statement of no more than 250 words, setting out their reasons for standing and qualifications for the office being sought.

Contested elections

In the event of a contested election, the successful candidates will be determined by an electronic ballot. An email with further instructions will be sent to eligible voters on Wednesday, 9 November, using the email addresses provided in the electronic register of Congregation (NB with few exceptions, notably clinical staff, this will be the work address ending ‘ox.ac.uk’). Candidates’ statements will be published online and in the Gazette dated Thursday, 10 November. Voters may wish to read these statements before completing their electronic vote. The voting period will close at 4pm on Thursday, 24 November 2022.

Uncontested elections

If the number of nominations received by the closing date is no more than sufficient to fill the vacancies, the candidates nominated shall be deemed to be duly elected as of the close of the nomination period on Thursday, 27 October. When required, places will be allocated according to academic standing, as defined in Council Regulations 22 of 2002, Part 2: Academic Precedence and Standing. If the number of nominations received by the closing date is less than sufficient to fill the vacancies, those candidates nominated will be deemed elected unopposed, and the remaining vacancies will lapse, in which case, in accordance with the regulations, the places must remain vacant until appointments are made jointly by the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors.

Period of office

All vacancies are with immediate effect unless otherwise stated. In accordance with Congregation Regulations 2 of 2002, in any election where vacancies are to be filled for periods of different length, the elected candidates shall hold office so that the tenure of those who receive more votes shall be longer than that of those who receive fewer votes; but if the election is uncontested or if two candidates receive the same number of votes, the candidate senior in academic standing shall hold office for the longer period.

For further information, please contact the Elections Officer.

General Information about this constituency

This constituency is comprised of four members of Congregation elected by Congregation.

Elections to this constituency are open to all members of Congregation. This means that all members of Congregation are eligible to stand for election, to nominate a candidate or to vote.

The full term of office is four years (or less, when a by-election is held to fill the residue of the term of office for an elected member who is standing down early).

The terms of reference and composition of this body are set out in Part 24 of Council Regulations 15 of 2002. The current membership page also has useful headnotes.

The Curators of the University Libraries meet 4 times per academic year (there are two meetings in MT, one in HT and one in TT). Meetings last about two hours and papers are circulated in advance. Curators are not expected to serve on additional subcommittees/groups (save for the Chair of the University Archives subcommittee, who is appointed by the Curators from amongst their own number). The Curators would welcome candidates with an interest in the work of the University Libraries.

For further information, please contact the Secretary

Elections to this body


Current members of this committee


Contact the Elections Officer

For further information, please email the Elections Office.

University of Oxford elections

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