Elections to Faculty Boards: History - TT 2021


Following the close of the nomination period, the candidate(s) listed below were deemed to have been elected unopposed to hold office for the period stated.


Four persons elected by and from among the members of the Faculty of History holding posts on the establishment or under the aegis of the board, three to serve until the start of MT 2023 [vice Dr Alan Strathern, Professor Maria Misra and Dr Erica Charters] and one to serve until the start of MT 2022 [vice Professor Natalia Nowakowska]

General information about this constituency

This constituency is comprised of eleven persons elected by and from among the members of the Faculty of History holding posts on the establishment or under the aegis of the board.

This means that to participate in this election (i.e. to nominate a candidate, to stand for election, or to vote), you must be a member of the Faculty of History.

The full term of office for this board is 2 years (or less, when a by-election is held to fill the residue of the term of office for an elected member who is standing down early).

The terms of reference and membership of this Board are set out in Council Regulations 19 of 2002.

For further information, please email the Secretary.



Nominations for elections to this constituency are published weekly in the Gazette and on this website as they are received and processed. The details of any nominations received can be seen by clicking on the candidate's surname in any adjacent tabs.


Erica Charters, DPhil (Oxford), MA (Toronto), BHum (Carleton), Fellow of Wolfson, Faculty of History

Nominated by:

Professor John Watts, Corpus Christi, History

Professor David Priestland, St Edmund Hall, History

Dr Natalia Nowakowska, Somerville, History

Dr Alan Strathern, Brasenose College, History


Professor Senia Paseta, MA (Oxford), BA (Melbourne) PhD (ANU), Fellow of St Hugh's, Faculty of History

Nominated by:

Professor John Watts, Corpus Christi, History

Professor David Priestland, St Edmund Hall, History

Dr Natalia Nowakowska, Somerville, History

Dr Alan Strathern, Brasenose College, History


Dr Lucy Wooding, MA DPhil (Oxford), Fellow of Lincoln College, Faculty of History

Nominated by:

Professor John Watts, Corpus Christi, History

Professor David Priestland, St Edmund Hall, History

Dr Natalia Nowakowska, Somerville, History

Dr Alan Strathern, Brasenose College, History


Professor Andrew Thompson, BA, DPhil (Oxford), Fellow of Nuffield College, Faculty of History

Nominated by:

Professor John Watts, Corpus Christi, History

Professor David Priestland, St Edmund Hall, History

Dr Natalia Nowakowska, Somerville, History

Dr Alan Strathern, Brasenose College, History

Contested elections

Candidate statements

In the event of a contested election, candidate statements will be published in the Gazette and on this website. The details of any candidate's statements received can be seen by clicking on the candidate's surname in any adjacent tabs.

Elections to this body


Contact the Elections Officer

For further information, please email the Elections Office.

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