General Purposes Committee

The General Purposes Committee (GPC) advises Council on policy in respect of issues or activities which are university-wide and transcend the remit of the other main committees of Council or other specialist committees as appropriate. Its remit includes responsibility for strategic issues relating to risk management.

Due to its responsibilities around matters of a reputational or ethical nature, GPC considers requests from the Development Office to name posts, scholarships, buildings etc in recognition of donors.  It also considers requests to name buildings for a person (whether living or deceased) that are not related to a donation by the person to be honoured by the naming, or where a building is high-profile (eg the naming/re-naming might attract media interest, locally and/or nationally). In such cases, please contact the secretary for advice.

If you wish to request an amendment or addition to legislation, please contact the secretary for advice.  Information on legislation, including  process and timescales for changes is published on the legislation web page.

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Membership as at MT 2024 will be as follows:

  Name Conditions of appointment Until
[1] Professor Irene Tracey (Chair) The Vice-Chancellor ex officio
[2] Professor Thomas Adcock, St Peter's  The Senior Proctor ex officio
[3] Professor Conall Mac Niocaill, Exeter  The Junior Proctor ex officio
[4] Professor Benjamin Bollig, St Catherine's and St John's  The Assessor ex officio
[5] Dame Helen Ghosh, Balliol  The Chair of the Conference of Colleges ex officio
[6] Professor Dan Grimley, Merton  The Head of the Division of Humanities ex officio
[7] Professor James Naismith, Jesus  The Head of the Division of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences ex officio
 [8] Professor Gavin Screaton, University College The Head of the Division of Medical Sciences ex officio
[9] Professor Timothy Power, St Antony’s The Head of the Division of Social Sciences ex officio
[10] Professor Nandini Gooptu, St Antony's One of three persons appointed by Council from among the members of Council specified in section 4 (15)-(25) of Statute VI [i.e. those members elected by Congregation] MT 2025
[11] Professor Patricia Daley, Jesus As above  TT 2025
[12] Professor Cecile Fabre, All Souls As above MT 2025
[13] Addi Haran  The President of the Oxford University Student Union ex officio
Secretary: Planning and Council Secretariat (Ms Louise Hasler)

These meetings begin at 11.00am unless notified otherwise.

Please contact if you wish to receive regular reminders of paper deadlines.






Michaelmas Term 2024



Week 2

21 October 2024
(by correspondence)

4 October 2024

Week 6

18 November 2024

1 November 2024

Week 10

16 December 2024
(by correspondence)

29 November 2024

Hilary Term 2025



Week 2

27 January 2025
(by correspondence)

10 January 2025

Week 6

24 February 2025

(in person)

7 February 2025

Week 10

24 March 2025
(by correspondence)

7 March 2025

Trinity Term 2025



Week 2

6 May 2025*
(by correspondence)

18 April 2025

Week 6

2 June 2025
(in person)

16 May 2025

Week 10

30 June 2025
(in person)

13 June 2025


* Tuesday to avoid Bank Holiday.


For the regulations of the General Purposes Committee please click here:


Contact us

Louise Hasler - Secretary

Charlie Knight - Assistant Secretary

Planning and Council Secretariat


Report templates

For a report requesting new legislation or amendments to legislation please use the GPC 2023-24 legislation template.

For all other reports, please use the GPC 2023-24 report template.  The secretariat are happy to advise on completion.