E. P. Abraham Professor of Chemical Pathology

Amended by Council on 10 July 2008

Amended by General Purposes Committee of Council with effect from 19 February 2021 (Gazette, Vol.151, p.225, 4 February 2021)

1. The University has accepted with deep gratitude the sum of £430,000 from the Trustees of the E. P. Abraham Research Fund for the endowment of an E. P. Abraham Professorship of Chemical Pathology in the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology and for the provision of supporting costs for the professorship.

2. The E. P. Abraham Professor of Chemical Pathology shall undertake research in Chemical Pathology and shall lecture and give instruction in this subject.

3. The professor shall be elected by an electoral board consisting of:

(1) the Vice-Chancellor, or if the head of the college specified in paragraph (2) below is the Vice- Chancellor, a person appointed by Council;

(2) the head of the college to which the professorship may be allocated by Council from time to time, or if the head is unable or unwilling to act, a person appointed by the governing body of that college;

(3) a person appointed by the governing body of the college;

(4), (5) two persons appointed by Council;

(6)–(9) four persons appointed by the Medical Sciences Board.

4. Such part of the income of the endowment as Council shall determine is not required to meet the cost of the professorship shall be applied to the provision of supporting expenditure for the professor in such manner as the Medical Sciences Board shall direct, provided that the professor, subject to the approval of the Head of the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, may personally authorise expenditure in any single academic year up to a limit to be determined from time to time by the Medical Sciences Board with the approval ofCouncil.

5. Council shall have power, subject to the concurrence of the Trustees of the E. P. Abraham Research Fund, to amend this regulation, provided always that the maintenance of the E. P. Abraham Professorship of Chemical Pathology shall remain the first charge on the income of the endowment.

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