1. The benefaction from The Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development which comprises £2,390,000, together with any further donations for this purpose, shall be used to establish and maintain a new and permanent Chair in Islamic Art and Architecture, under the aegis of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, to be known as the Ieoh Ming Pei Chair in Islamic Art and Architecture.
2. The University shall retain all of the benefaction as permanent endowment and shall apply the net income of this benefaction towards the support of this Chair.
3. The Ieoh Ming Pei Chair in Islamic Art and Architecture shall lecture and give instruction in Islamic Art and Architecture.
4. The application of the income from the administration of the Fund held on behalf of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, shall be the responsibility of a Board of Management comprising: (1) the Chairman of the Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies (Chair of Board of Management); (2) the Ieoh Ming Pei Professor in Islamic Art and Architecture; (3), (4) two members appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies.
5. The Chair shall be elected by an electoral board consisting of:
(1) the Vice-Chancellor, or his representative;
(2) the head of the college to which the Chair is to be allocated by Council;
(3) a person appointed by the governing body of the college to which the Chair is to be allocated by Council;
(4) the Director of the Khalili Research Centre for the Art and Material Culture of the Middle East;
(5), (6) two persons appointed by Council;
(7) the Head of the Humanities Division, or his or her nominee;
(8), (9) two persons appointed by the Faculty of Oriental Studies.
6. The Chair shall be subject to the General Provisions of the regulations concerning the duties of professors and to those Particular Provisions of the same regulations, which are applicable to the Chair.
7. Regulations 1 and 2 shall be deemed as Trust Regulations under the provisions of Part D of Statute XVI. 8. Regulations 4–7 may be amended by Council.