1. The University accepts with gratitude from the European Commission funds towards the costs of the Jacques Delors Professorship of European Community Law.
2. The net income of the fund shall be applied to the cost of the professorship (including salary, National Insurance, and superannuation), and may also be applied to other costs associated with the professorship (including support costs).
3. The Board of the Faculty of Law shall be the board of management of the fund.
4. The Jacques Delors Professor of European Community Law shall deliver lectures and give instruction in European Community Law.
5. The professor shall be elected by an electoral board consisting of:
(1) the Vice-Chancellor, or, if the head of the college specified in (2) of this clause is Vice-Chancellor, a person appointed by Council;
(2) the head of the college to which the professorship shall be for the time being allocated by Council under any decree in that behalf, or, if the head is unable or unwilling to act, a person appointed by the governing body of the college;
(3) a person appointed by the governing body of the college specified in (2) of this clause;
(4) a person appointed by Council;
(5), (6) two persons appointed by the General Board;
(7)-(9) three persons appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Law.
6. The Professor shall be a member of the Centre for the Advanced Study of European and Comparative Law, and shall have the obligation to accept the directorship of the centre if requested to do so under the provisions of Ch. VII, Sect. I, § 5. B, cl. 5. The centre shall be a constituent centre of the Institute for European Studies, and the director of the centre shall be eligible for appointment as director of the institute under the provisions of Ch. III, Sect. XXXVI, cl. 4.
7. The Professor shall be subject to the General Provisions of the decree concerning the duties of professors and to those particular provisions of the same decree which are applicable to this chair.
8. This decree shall be subject to alteration from time to time by Council, provided that the object of the fund as defined in clause 1 above is always kept in view.