Peter Moores Lectureship in Chinese Business Studies

1. The benefaction provided by the Peter Moores Foundation shall be used to establish and maintain the Peter Moores Lecturership in Chinese Business Studies, and (with the consent of the foundation) otherwise for the advancement within the University of education, learning, teaching, scholarship and research in the field of Chinese business studies or other fields of education.

2. The Peter Moores Lecturer shall be a fellow of Brasenose College, or such other college as may be agreed by the University and the Foundation.

3. The Peter Moores Lecturer shall lecture and give instruction in the field of Chinese business studies, or such other field of education as the University may propose and the Foundation agree.

4. The Peter Moores Lecturer shall be appointed by the Executive Committee of the Saïd Business School in accordance with Council Regulations 3 of 2004. One member of the selection committee (referred to in the Agreement with the Foundation as the electoral board) shall be an appointee of Council whose appointment shall be made after obtaining the written consent of the Foundation.

5. The first charge on the net income from the benefaction shall be the salary and associated costs of the lecturer, and the stipend, allowances and benefits now charged to the college of association.

6. These regulations may be amended by Council from time to time, subject to the terms of the Agreement with the Foundation.

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