1. The University accepts with deep gratitude the munificent benefaction provided anonymously to establish a Professorship of Management Studies which shall be known as the Professorship of Marketing.
2. The Professor of Marketing shall undertake research, lecture and give instruction in Management Studies in the area of Marketing.
3. The professor shall be elected by an electoral board consisting of:
(1) the Vice-Chancellor, or, if the Warden of Green Templeton College is ViceChancellor, a person appointed by Council;
(2) the Warden of Green Templeton College, or, if the Warden is unable or unwilling to act, a person appointed by the Governing Body of Green Templeton College;
(3) a person appointed by the Governing Body of Green Templeton College;
(4), (5) two persons appointed by Council;
(6) a person appointed by the Social Sciences Board;
(7)-(9) three persons appointed by the Saïd Business School.
4. The professor shall be subject to the General Provisions of the regulations concerning the duties of professors and to those Particular Provisions of the same regulations which are applicable to this chair.
5. Council shall have power to amend these regulations from time to time, provided that the main objects of the benefaction, as defined in clause 1 above, shall always be kept in view.