1. The Ruskin Master of Drawing (who shall be regarded as a professor for the purposes of any statute or regulation) shall lecture and give instruction in drawing and other aspects of Art on such conditions and with such other duties as Council shall from time to time determine. Subject to the supervision of the Committee for the Ruskin School of Art, he or she shall be responsible for the teaching and other necessary arrangements for the degrees in Art, and for the general instruction in Art of members of the University.
2. The Ruskin Master shall be appointed by an electoral board consisting of:
(1) the Vice-Chancellor, or, if the head of the college specified in (2) of this clause is Vice-Chancellor, a person appointed by Council;
(2) the head of the college to which the Ruskin Mastership shall be for the time being allocated by Council under any decree in that behalf, or, if the head is unable or unwilling to act, a person appointed by the governing body of the college;
(3) a person appointed by the governing body of the college specified in (2) of this clause;
(4) a person appointed by Council;
(5) a person appointed by the Humanities Board;
(6), (7) two persons appointed by the Committee for the Ruskin School of Art;
(8) a person appointed by the Visitors of the Ashmolean Museum;
(9) one person appointed by the Committee for the History of Art.
3. The interest on the capital sum accepted by the University from the late John Ruskin under the Deed of Declaration of Trust 1875 for the endowment of a Mastership of Drawing shall be used towards defraying the stipend of the Ruskin Master.