Elections by Congregation: Curators of the Sheldonian Theatre - Trinity Term 2024

Election result

On Thursday, 6 June 2024, the following member of Congregation was duly elected to as a Curator of the Sheldonian Theatre to hold office until the start of MT 2028:

Lynne Adam, BA(Hons) Westmin, Fellow of Trinity


[The votes recorded were: for Ms Adam, 1,122; and for Mr Rodger, 279]


This election was contested and the successful candidate determined by electronic ballot (details sent to eligible voters 22 May 2024 using the email address provided in the register of Congregation). All members of Congregation were eligible to vote in this election. Voting closed at 4:00pm, 6 June. Details of nominations and candidate statements are published below: click on the candidate’s name to see the details.


One member of Congregation, elected by Congregation, to serve from the start of MT 2024 until the start of MT 2028 [vice Lynne Adam, Trinity]



Nominations for elections to this constituency are published weekly in the Gazette and on this website as they are received and processed. The details of any nominations received can be seen by clicking on the candidate's surname in any adjacent tabs.


Lynne Adam, BA Westmin, Fellow of Trinity

Nominated by:

Hilary Boulding, President of Trinity
Sue Broers, Trinity
Rebecca Bullard, Trinity
Steve Fisher, Trinity
James McDougall, Trinity


Boyd Rodger, BA Strathclyde MBA City (London), Nuffield Department of Population Health

Nominated by:

Professor Sir Rory Collins, St John’s, Faculty of Clinical Medicine
Dr Christine Marsden, Clinical Trial Service Unit
Professor Melinda Mills, Nuffield, Faculty of Social Studies
Anne Whitehouse, Centre for Tropical Medicine
Ana Fortun, Nuffield Dept of Population Health


Contested elections

Candidate statements

In the event of a contested election, candidate statements will be published in the Gazette and on this website. The details of any candidate's statements received can be seen by clicking on the candidate's surname in any adjacent tabs.


Lynne Adam, BA Westmin, Fellow of Trinity

Candidate Statement:

Prior to working in the education sector, I spent 20 years at English National Opera (ENO) with responsibility for the successful operation and commercial development of the London Coliseum and ENO’s rehearsal venues.

My role encompassed a wide range of departments including Events, Health & Safety, Licensing, Facilities Management, Box Office, FOH, Security and Catering. I was also responsible for liaison with Westminster Council, London Fire Brigade and other licensing authorities.

I worked as part of a team to deliver the £41 million restoration of the Coliseum’s front of house facilities and also managed ENO’s response to various major security incidents.

As part of my commercial brief, I was responsible for programming visiting companies which were resident at the Coliseum during ENO’s “dark” periods. These commercial hires provided a major revenue stream and ranged from international dance companies such as Dutch National Ballet and New York City Ballet through to English National Ballet, Rambert and the British Fashion Awards. This commercial brief was always carefully balanced with ENO’s broader mission of accessibility, a strong focus on our charitable objectives and ENO’s position as a publicly funded organisation.

I’m obviously not an academic but feel that my practical theatre experience could make a very positive contribution to the Sheldonian Theatre.

[209 words]


Boyd Rodger, BA Strathclyde MBA City (London), Nuffield Department of Population Health

Candidate Statement:

My reason for applying to be a Curator of the Sheldonian Theatre is to contribute my knowledge of safety and security whilst simultaneously balancing the need to maintain a welcoming and enjoyable environment to all who use the Theatre. If my nomination is successful, I will bring a variety of building management, operational service management, and strategic management experience from across several departments in the University plus experience of policing and business consulting.

Having attended Encaenia, graduation, matriculation events, and meetings of Congregation in the Sheldonian Theatre, I would consider it an honour to support this historic building which plays such a central role in official University ceremonies.

[108 words

General Information about this constituency

This constituency is comprised of three members of Congregation elected by Congregation.

Elections to this constituency are open to all members of Congregation. This means that all members of Congregation are eligible to stand for election, to nominate a candidate or to vote.

The full term of office is four years.

The terms of reference and membership of this body are set out in Council Regulations 2 of 2004

General Information about the Curators of the Sheldonian

The curators oversee the ceremonial and governance functions of the theatre, and monitor its use as a venue. They meet three times per year and meetings usually last between 1–2 hours. Nominations from a diverse range of Congregation members are encouraged, particularly those from underrepresented groups.

For further information, please contact the Curators

General Notes

The elections on 6 June 2024 will be conducted electronically.


Hard copies of nomination forms will not be processed. Nominations must be made on an official  nomination form. Completed nomination forms must be sent as an email attachment to the Elections Office by 4pm on Thursday, 9 May. Please ensure that the nominators listed in section D are also copied into the email when the nomination form is submitted, as this will act as verification of the nomination in lieu of supplying original signatures.

General requirements and eligibility

All candidates are asked to note the general requirements which apply to all committee members, as set out in Council Regulations 14 of 2002 (General Regulations of Council for Committees). Current members seeking re-election are also asked to check for specific restrictions on consecutive service. For further information, please see the eligibility and amendments to nominations sections within the Information about University elections pages of the Elections website.

Candidate’s statement

Candidates are invited to include with their nomination forms a written statement of no more than 250 words, setting out their reasons for standing and qualifications for the office being sought.

Contested elections

In the event of a contested election, the successful candidates will be determined by an electronic ballot. An email with further instructions will be sent to eligible voters on Wednesday, 22 May, using the email addresses provided in the electronic register of Congregation (NB with few exceptions, notably clinical staff, this will be the work address ending ‘ox.ac.uk’). Candidates’ statements will be published online and in the Gazette dated Thursday, 23 May. Voters may wish to read these statements before completing their electronic vote. The voting period will close at 4pm on Thursday, 6 June 2024.

Uncontested elections

If the number of nominations received by the closing date is no more than sufficient to fill the vacancies, the candidates nominated shall be deemed to be duly elected as of the close of the nomination period on Thursday, 9 May. When required, places will be allocated according to academic standing, as defined in Council Regulations 22 of 2002, Part 2: Academic Precedence and Standing. If the number of nominations received by the closing date is less than sufficient to fill the vacancies, those candidates nominated will be deemed elected unopposed, and the remaining vacancies will lapse, in which case, in accordance with the regulations, the places must remain vacant until appointments are made jointly by the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors.

Period of office

All vacancies are with immediate effect unless otherwise stated. In accordance with Congregation Regulations 2 of 2002, in any election where vacancies are to be filled for periods of different length, the elected candidates shall hold office so that the tenure of those who receive more votes shall be longer than that of those who receive fewer votes; but if the election is uncontested or if two candidates receive the same number of votes, the candidate senior in academic standing shall hold office for the longer period.

For further information, please contact the Elections Officer.

Elections to this body


Contact the Elections Officer

For further information, please email the Elections Office.

University of Oxford elections

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