Elections by Congregation: Buildings & Estates Subcommittee - TT 2021
Information on elections to this constituency held on Thursday, 10 June 2021
On Thursday 10 June 2021 the following was duly elected to the Buildings and Estates Subcommittee to hold office from MT21 until the start of MT 2024:
Professor Andrew Martin, MA DPhil Oxf, Fellow of Kellogg, Faculty of Computer Science
[The votes recorded were: for Ms Boyt, 760: and for Professor Martin, 901]
One person elected by Congregation, to serve until the start of MT 2024 [vice Ms Laura How]
General Notes
Electronic elections
Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, the elections on 10 June will be conducted electronically.
Hard copies of nomination forms will not be processed. Completed nomination forms should be sent as an email attachment to the Elections Office by 4pm on 13 May. At least one nomination in respect of each candidate must be made on an official nomination form. Please ensure that the nominators listed in section D are also copied into the email when the nomination form is submitted, as this will act as verification of the nomination in lieu of supplying original signatures.
General requirements and eligibility
All candidates are asked to note the general requirements which apply to all committee members, as set out in Council Regulations 14 of 2002 (General Regulations of Council for Committees). Current members seeking re-election are also asked to check for specific restrictions on consecutive service. For further information, please see the eligibility and amendments to nominations sections within the Information about University elections pages of the Elections website.
Candidate’s statement
Candidates are invited to include with their nomination forms a written statement of no more than 250 words, setting out their reasons for standing and qualifications for the office being sought. In the event of a contested election, these statements will be published both on-line and in the Gazette.
Contested elections
In the event of a contested election, the successful candidates will be determined by an electronic ballot. A registration email with further instructions will be sent to eligible voters on Wednesday 26 May, using the email addresses provided in the electronic register of Congregation (NB with few exceptions, notably clinical staff, this will be the work address ending ‘ox.ac.uk’). Voters will need to respond to the email to confirm their registration and to receive links to the candidate statements and to vote. Candidates’ statements will also be published in the Gazette dated 27 May. Voters may wish to read these statements before completing their electronic vote. The voting period will close at 4pm on 10 June.
Uncontested elections
If the number of nominations received by the closing date is no more than sufficient to fill the vacancies, the candidates nominated shall be deemed to be duly elected as of the close of the nomination period on Thursday, 13 May. When required, places will be allocated according to academic standing, as defined in Council Regulations 22 of 2002, Part 2: Academic Precedence and Standing. If the number of nominations received by the closing date is less than sufficient to fill the vacancies, those candidates nominated will be deemed elected unopposed, and the remaining vacancies will lapse, in which case, in accordance with the regulations, the places must remain vacant until appointments are made jointly by the Vice- Chancellor and Proctors.
Period of office
All vacancies are from the beginning of MT 2021 unless otherwise stated. In accordance with Congregation Regulations 2 of 2002, in any election where vacancies are to be filled for periods of different length, the elected candidates shall hold office so that the tenure of those who receive more votes shall be longer than that of those who receive fewer votes; but if the election is uncontested or if two candidates receive the same number of votes, the candidate senior in academic standing shall hold office for the longer period.
Further information
For further information, please contact the Elections Office.
General Information about this constituency
This constituency is comprised of two persons elected by Congregation.
Elections to this constituency restrict candidates to persons, as defined in Statute I. This means that all members of Congregation are eligible to nominate a candidate or to vote, but prospective candidates who want to stand for election must be the resident holder of a teaching, research, or administrative post in the University or in any college, society, or Permanent Private Hall.
The full term of office is three years (or less, when a by-election is held to fill the residue of the term of office for an elected member who is standing down early).
The terms of reference and membership of this body are set out in Part 10 of Council Regulations 15 of 2002.
For further information, please contact the Secretary.
Nominations for elections to this constituency are published weekly in the Gazette and on this website as they are received and processed. The details of any nominations received can be seen by clicking on the candidate's surname in any adjacent tabs.
Professor Andrew Martin, MA, DPhil (Oxford), Fellow of Kellogg College, Faculty of Computer Science
Nominated by:
Professor Jonathan Michie, President of Kellogg, Continuing Education
Professor Karen O'Brien, University, English, Humanities Division
Professor Mike Wooldridge, Hertford, Computer Science
Dr Keri Dexter, MPLS Division
Professor Richard Hobbs, Harris Manchester, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
Professor David Mills, Kellogg, Education
Professor Andrew Simpson, Kellogg, Computer Science
Tania Boyt, MA (Oxford), MBA (Open), Fellow of Reuben College
Nominated by:
Dr Nick Leimu-Brown, Principal of Linacre College
Professor Lionel Tarassenko, President of Reuben College, Department of Engineering
Professor Sir Rory Collins, St John’s College, Department of Population Health
Dr Stuart Wilkinson, Reuben College, Research Services
Laura How, Bodleian Libraries
Tracy Tompkins, Department of Experimental Psychology
Gary Walker, Kellogg College
John Tranter, St Cross College
Contested elections
In the event of a contested election, candidate statements will be published in the Gazette and on this website. The details of any candidate's statements received can be seen by clicking on the candidate's surname in any adjacent tabs.
Professor Andrew Martin, MA, DPhil (Oxford), Fellow of Kellogg College, Faculty of Computer Science
Candidate statement:
Having been a member of the University in various guises as student, researcher, lecturer, and professor, I think I have a reasonably good grasp – as far as anyone does – of how the place works, what drives and motivates colleagues and peers, and some of the constraints we must all work within. At the University level, I chair the Joint Information Security Advisory Group, and am a member of CUREC, as well as leading a number of activities related to equality and diversity, and ethics, in my Department. I have led a number of cross-disciplinary initiatives in Cyber Security research and education, and take part in a number of committees within my College. I have also tried to maintain a sense of how life works beyond the ring-road, in membership of various boards and projects related to Cyber Security nationally, and as a Trustee of Bletchley Park.
These activities have exposed me to many of the complexities of building projects within the University and outside. I am presently leading the early stages of a project aiming to build a new Information Sciences building on the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter. If elected to BESC, I would bring this broad range of experience and understanding of stakeholder needs to its discussions, and would learn much that will be of value in helping new building projects run smoothly.
Tania Boyt, MA (Oxford), MBA (Open), Fellow of Reuben College
Candidate statement:
Since joining the University in 2001, I have held the roles of Departmental Administrator/Head of Administration and Finance for five different departments across two divisions, and more recently I was appointed as Bursar at Reuben College. Undertaking these roles has provided me with a wide and varied breadth of experience in relation to building and estates issues, as well as the challenges they present.
As a member of Congregation, I believe it is important and an obligation to participate in the operation of the University community. I currently sit on numerous University committees and working groups and these add to my growing depth of knowledge. I feel I would be a valued member of BESC and would welcome the opportunity to bring my operational expertise and experience to assisting the wider University.
Contact the Elections Officer
For further information, please email the Elections Office.
University of Oxford elections
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